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How Your Mind Holds the Secret to Successful Weight Loss
I quit smoking the year I turned 40, and slowly over the next two or three years I put on an extra 50 pounds! While I am healthier as a non-smoker, my weight has since been a thorn in my side. And, I know I am not as healthy, and more importantly, I don’t feel as good as I thought I would as a non-smoker.
I decided to take the NeuroGym weight loss quiz and what I discovered made me feel better. Participating in the Winning the Game of Weight Loss Webinar made me realize something very important. I learned that it was me, and not the diets that were failing.
It’s kinda like when you are breaking up with your boyfriend and you say “it’s not you, it’s me”. It is like that, it’s like the diet is my boyfriend, but instead of breaking up with him I am the one that needs to change the way I think, to save this relationship.
Most diets actually work, at least in the short-term. I have seen it first-hand, three times in fact. But that is the problem, I just changed what I was eating and my level of physical activity. I didn’t work on the way I think about diet, weight loss, or being overweight. I must learn to retrain my brain if I am ever going to put an end to this yo-yo that is my weight.
The first time I dieted I counted calories on a calorie counting website and lost 20 pounds in about 3 months. I found it tedious at times and thought I could do it without keeping track. Well okay, I really thought that I would just magically keep the weight off, so naïve! Not so slowly, I put that 20 pounds back on and an extra 5, (ugh!).
So again, I started another diet. This time I ate certain foods together, and had to eat the perfect combination of foods to optimize weight loss. I also had to eat every 2-3 hours and I lost another (or the same) 20 pounds. I didn’t stick with that program because I felt like food was consuming me. It seemed like I was always waiting for time to eat, and I never felt full. I longed to feel full, just once. This program also required me to pay a monthly fee for support and access to the “magic formula”, and it was breaking the bank. And then the weight came back, AGAIN!
The third time I just used a combination of the first two diet programs, and managed to lose that same 20 pounds one more time. Unfortunately, it’s back.
So, as I write this I am remembering that NeuroGym is retraining me to think differently so I won’t find it so easy to come up with excuses as to why these programs haven’t worked.
While I am familiar with the word exercises, NeuroGym has taught me a new word; innercises. Innercises are science based techniques to help individuals unlock their brain’s fullest potential so they let go of the mental and emotional blocks that prevents him from losing weight and keeping it off.
What NeuroGym has taught me, so far, is that these programs can work in the short-term, but in order for them to work in the long-term (and they can work over the long haul!) I must change my mindset about my body, food, and weight loss.
The physical aspect of weight loss is what we all cling to. What we eat and how much we exercise is important, but will only work temporarily if we don’t fix our brains to coincide with our body image. This program has given me valid reasons why the weight loss methods I have tried have only worked for a short amount of time, and how I can make them work permanently.
Some of the things I love about the program and that I know will lead to success are:
- I don’t have to worry about paying a monthly fee for continual support because that is included in the price of the plan. Apparently, I am the type of person that needs someone there to hold my hand, and NeuroGym is there for me, holding my hand.
- The audio portion of the program is available to download to my computer so I don’t have to have wi-fi available to listen to the daily audio. It is also available on an app so I can listen on my phone. This feature is great because I can listen at the park or while my daughter is at rehearsal.
- I have access to the knowledge of many experts in the field of diet, weight loss and brain-training.
- There is a Facebook support group so I have access to additional support from people in my situation.
- I am important and I can change my mindset to be successful. This one is super exciting because this will affect more than just my physical health, but also my mental well-being.
I am so excited to change the way I think about myself and get this weight off once and for all! And to think it all started with one simple 5 minute, 10 question weight loss quiz. Go ahead, take the quiz and see if your mind holds the secret to successful weight loss.
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I’m going to check into this. It is SO hard for me to eat right because there are so many different options. To be honest, I’m not even sure what to eat. Good luck with your goal, keep moving forward, you got this!
Thanks for the inspiration! This system is pretty doable and can give you the knowledge to make good eating choices. I personally find that if I don’t have a cupcake once in a while then I end up binging. So, everything in moderation for me.
Good luck sister! Weight management can be hard… I gained and lost 30 lbs when we first moved. Most of it was biscuit weight. lol!
I have some of that “biscuit weight” myself. Great job losing yours. Thanks for stopping by!